Saturday, October 16, 2010

Reporting Botters in Game Function

 Reporting Botters In-Game Function

Reporting botters have been made a lot simpler with the new updates in V2.4. Residents of Granado Espada can now report bots in-game as an alternative to reporting bots via online forms through ourweb ticketing system.

Reporting A Bot In-Game

When you right click on a family, you will now see an additional option: Report Botters
report bot
If you suspect that someone is a botter, select the Report Botters” option to report them.

In order to prevent abuse of the system, each user is allowed to make only three botter reports. If the person you reported is indeed found to be a botter (after system confirmation), it will not reduce your cap amount of three botter reports. Thus, a user will only be able to make up to a maximum of three falsified reports.  

report 2
The Report Botters” function will not be available during certain in-game activated events such as Super Fights or Colony Wars to prevent excessive spamming or abuse.   
If Someone Reports You As A Botter…
The system will then check for irregular packets or if the suspected botter is using skills and/or looting. After lodging a successful report, the Bot Reporter will receive an acknowledgment notice: 
If you have been using skills or looting within a certain time frame, a warning window will then pop up with a word verification function. However, if you have been AFK-ing using normal attacks, the system will recognise that you are not a potential botter and the word verification window will not pop up.
word verification
You will need to type the relevant characters in the box before the time meter runs out. If characters are not clear, click Exchange to display a new set of characters. These characters are not case sensitive, thus regardless of whether you choose to type capital letters or not - both answers are accepted.

If you type the correct characters, you will receive the message Your answer is correct. You have been included in the Botters check exemption list for 900 seconds.” The system will also inform the person who reported you that his report was inaccurate and no suspicious activity was noticed. 

If the suspected botter types the wrong characters, or if the time meter runs out and he has not entered any characters in the word verification box, he will then receive the message Your answer is wrong” and he will be moved to the barracks.

Botter Penalty
If the suspected family is confirmed to be a botter and moved to the barracks, his previous team and new team options will be saved to Underground Prison 1st Floor.


The Underground Prison is a dark and lonely place, with only rats and a prison warden NPC watching over you:
prison 1
prison 2
prison 3
If you want to get out of Underground Prison 1st Floor, you have to talk to the Prison Officer NPC and complete an arduously long quest, which will take a long time to get out of prison.
prison quest
The very first quest involves collecting a randomly generated number of rat toenails and rat meat. If the items you collected are more or less than what the NPC exactly requires, you will have to redo the quest all over again. Until you have completed the quests, you will not be able to get out from the prison. Furthermore, if you get out of prison and you get accurately reported by someone for being a botter again, the quest will become much more difficult to complete.

We are aware that although the new Report Botter system deters botters to a larger extent, we will continue our patrols for botters and at the same time, we are in the process of reviewing our game policies to incur harsher punishments on those who bot, even for the first time.

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